Jo-Ann Robinson is General Manager of both Automotive Employment NZ and Jobcorp.

Jo leads the entire Jobcorp team across 3 divisions with involvement in recruitment, immigration, business development, and operations. Jo-Ann also controls financial operations and strategic growth alongside the company Director.

Leading the team to be finalists for Recruitment Company of the Year in 2022, Jo-Ann is also involved in front line recruitment activity over and above her management responsibilities. She is also an accomplished senior appointments recruiter and consultants on remuneration issuss.

Jo-Ann is one of New Zealand’s best-connected recruiters in the New Zealand Motor industry. Jo held roles as a Recruitment Executive and Recruitment Manager and has continued her journey and growth in our company to the level of General Manager.

Prior to joining our recruitment operations in 2018, Jo-Ann held a Sales Management and Operations Management role in South Africa.

Winning Business of the Year across the national South African retail motor industry for her brand 4 times, she also won the accolade of top Sales Manager for South Africa in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Jo-Ann rapidly rose from a Recruitment Executive role to Recruitment Manager, and now General Manager of Jobcorp.

Her existing role not only finds her involved in leading the frontline activities, but she is responsible for building the scale and systems of the company and frontline recruitment.