Develop and improve your resume for modern Applicant Tracking Systems
The majority of larger employers use what is called applicant tracking systems. Job boards and social media companies such as LinkedIn also use a form of the same tool.
Why applicant tracking systems are relevant when sending in a job application
Let’s start with what an Applicant Tracking System is
Applicant tracking systems (known as ATS) are a form of customer relationship management software or CRM. The software enables recruitment agencies and larger employers to manage larger volumes of applications. The recruiter is able to rank candidates, reply in bulk to candidates, keep a record of emails sent and received, search for skills within the database, and much more. The ATS funnels applications from a variety of sources into a tidy application portal for the role you applied for.
One of the key functions of an ATS is screening software which speeds up the process of vetting resumes. Often candidates send in resumes with embedded images, others send in video resumes or other more complex technology. At current time an ATS system cannot read images, nor can it read video. Keep your resume simple.
If you already have a well formatted resume that has embedded images, upload it through the apply section anyway. We do have technology to ensure we receive all applications but where heavy use of images is present on your resume you may wish to follow up with a quick email to ensure we received it. Go to the
How should I send in my resume to ensure it will get read?
The following template is as simple as your resume needs to be. There are no images and it can be read by all ATS systems as a PDF or word document. Click the image below to download the resume template image.

Register for job alerts
This will enable you to receive email alerts at the frequency you request for the latest jobs listed that suit your background. You can cancel the alerts at any time. This is the best way to keep track of new roles as they emerge.
Do not include graphics in your resume
As aforementioned, a well-prepared resume is critical in your job application. Graphics complicate the process of parsing which is the method ATS systems use to copy the resume into a screening format.
While a well formatted resume is essential in terms of textual content, we prefer clean documents without graphics where possible i.e. simplify the resume. This helps us search for key words in the applicant tracking system we are searching for.
New Zealand format for resumes
For the benefit of offshore job seekers, there is no such thing as a NZ format when it comes to your resume. The exception to this is that all resumes must be received in English. Spending money to reformat your resume is not required. Check the template above and if your CV includes this content, it is good to go. If you are missing content, add it in before you send it.
Video resumes
These are presently increasing in popularity. Do not provide a video resume as the sole source of information. Applicant tracking systems cannot read sound or pictures. Not just yet at least.
If you wish to send a video resume, add the hyperlink to the video within the written version of the resume.
Contact details
The number of resumes provided with incorrect contact details is staggering. Thankfully modern applicant tracking systems still record the correct email the application was sent from.
Incorrect data does cause confusion, particularly so when the Recruitment Executive opts to open your resume and call you only to discover the phone number is incorrect.
First consider your strategy for making applications
Your Recruitment Executive will provide a valuable service introducing your application to employers. For Automotive Employment NZ it is infinitely preferable for us to work in partnership with our job seekers.
For offshore job seekers, Automotive Employment NZ provide a powerful service. If you are applying from offshore, we provide both recruitment and immigration services from one source. The hiring managers save multiple hours using our service and the process for them becomes as easy as employing local talent.
Once you have submitted your resume directly to an employer, we will unlikely be able to represent you to the same employer. Discuss the strategy with your allocated Recruitment Executive at Automotive Employment NZ.