Automotive Technicians, Motor Mechanics, technical support and advisory staff, and Service Managers
Includes intermediate supervisors support staff and service management.
Updated May 2024
Employers are encouraged to communicate with our consulting team for more guidance on current wage and salary rates. Attention to specific regional areas hard hit by skills shortages or the seniority of employees should be taken into account. Automotive Employment NZ Ltd has attempted to be as accurate as possible and to provide guidelines for the most popular sectors of the New Zealand motor industry but take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Any hiring decision should be based on a range of knowledge from a variety of sources.
Employees should note that while these rates may provide a guide, to gain an accurate indication of rates you may need to consider how your skills and experience compare to others in the workplace. Your work performance, the stability of overall employment, knowledge of the product, development of your skills and or qualifications, personal grooming, communication skills and the length of service you have extended to your current employer may all impact on potential earnings. These aspects of your employment should also be weighed against the economic conditions prevailing in the location you work or intend to move to.
Offshore candidates should note rates and salaries are quoted in New Zealand dollars. Please also check the date above as information provided is current only to this date.
Light Automotive Technician/Motor Mechanic (franchise and non-franchise)
National median rate - $35 per hour
Trade qualified Automotive Technicians are presently paid $32 to $42 per hour for new hires.
The upper end of this scale is for Certified Master Technicians considered irreplaceable or forepersons with specific franchise diagnostic skills and five years plus experience with one marque.
Other factors affecting rates are population density or a specific difficulty in securing skills due to a particularly remote location. As a rule of thumb, the larger the population the higher the rates, the higher cost of living in these centres is usually the income driver.
Lower rates are normally paid where an employer has concerns as to the depth of skill held by the employee or a more transient or poor employment history. Trainees or apprentices should expect to commence on rates considerably lower than the rates shown.
Locations of New Zealand considered in demand tend to have a greater number of applicants applying for roles, subsequently the law of supply and demand impacts income and rates could be lower in these areas.
The converse applies also; employers in locations not considered in demand, where skills are difficult to locate may need to adjust rates above the norm to attract skills.
Employees should notethat there are many aspects relevant to employers in structuring wages rates, principally among these is the ability to gain a return from your skills, the tenure of your employment, your productivity, efficiency, technical skills, and qualification extensions such as an AVI certificate or brand related diagnostic qualifications may all contribute to earnings and usually the rule of thumb is adding on $1 to $2 per hour should you have a valid WOF certificate.
It is also common for many employers to pay productivity and efficiency bonuses, tool allowances and overtime. There are clearly many variants on these bonuses but often achievement of bonuses can add $1 to $3 per hour.
Automotive Electrician
National median rate - $38 per hour
Auto Electricians in NZ are in short supply. Rates have wild variances with some regional areas paying $36 to $48 per hour and, in some rare cases, up to $50 per hour.
In the Auckland Metropolitan area rates average at $38 to $46 per hour and could be more dependent on experience and training.
Those Auto Electricians who possess both automotive and heavy diesel skills are in particular demand especially those that have air conditioning experience which will add to the hourly rate being offered.
Team Leader/Foreperson
National median rate - $36 per hour
Responsible for technical supervision of staff, technical training, and sometimes content of hands-on work, the team leader may work as much as 50% on tools (occasionally 100% off tools). Employees will note the title and duties of this role are not consistent throughout the industry. Assuming however that it is a senior technical role as described above, the rates vary between $36 and $40 per hour with an extremely high-end rate of $45 per hour which is rare but dependant on the size of the team and level of duties such as stepping in as an Assistant Service Manager in the absence of the Service Manager.
The top end of this scale would be for a Master Technician/foreperson with combined hands-on technical and supervisory responsibilities or for technicians employed in areas that are deemed hard to fill. The top end rates are usually only paid in Auckland or rural areas where these top end, brand-specific skills are still hard to secure and employees are irreplaceable. .
Automotive Service Advisor/Service Consultant
National median income providing for an OTE of $65,000 to $75,000 per annum
Service Advisors are employed in front line roles. The positions include upselling service and liaison regarding technical issues as well as costing, invoicing, booking, and dealing directly with the customer.
Salaries range from $60,000 in smaller regions to $75,000 in the cities. Added incentives can find employees in this category earning $75,000 to $90,000. Service Advisors at the lower end of the salary scale tend to have secured employment in regions with smaller populations.
Candidates operating from large flagship franchises tend to be earning base salaries of $65,000 although the base salaries are commonly $65,000 to $75,000 dependant on prior experience and/or how incentives are calculated e.g., the higher the at-risk component of income, the higher the overall income. Incentives are based on upsells and achievements of KPI’s set out by the dealership.
Company cars provided to employees are increasingly common to the extent of becoming the norm. In Auckland company cars are usually a standard added benefit along with company fuel.
Service/Workshop Controller
National median income - $75,000 per annum
Service/Workshop Controllers are responsible for the distribution and control of incoming work to the technicians, and are trade qualified automotive technicians (mechanics). The pay scales range between $75,000 and $85,000 depending on location. Company cars are often provided to senior staff with extended employment tenures.
Service Reception/Non-technically qualified Service Advisor, or junior Service Advisor
National median income - $55,000 to $68,000 including incentives
Defined as front line receptionists in a service department these employees are generally not trade qualified or are trainee/junior Service Advisor roles. This role differs from a Technical Service Advisor. The role involves meeting and greeting the customer, booking in vehicles, liaising with customers regarding delivery, invoicing, and customer follow ups.
The role is usually salaried and pays between $55,000 and $65,000. Additional incentives are common taking the OTE to between $65,000 and $75,000.
Vehicle Inspector: AVI/WOF light passenger vehicles
National median rate - $28 to $30 per hour
Responsible for ensuring vehicles comply with government, NZTA standards as to roadworthiness and the issuing of “warrant of fitness” and “certificate of fitness”.
The roles range from $30 per hour in some regions up to $37 per hour at the extreme end for COF B accreditation. New employees from outside New Zealand usually commence at the lower end and cannot commence inspections until an AVI (Authorised Vehicle Inspector) certificate is attained. Technicians are required to have a minimum of five years of recent experience as a technician or diesel mechanic to qualify.
Vehicle Inspector: COF A Roadworthiness Inspector (Taxis, School minibus, commercial light passenger carriers)
National median rate - $28 to $30 per hour
Responsible for ensuring vehicles comply with government, NZTA standards as to roadworthiness and the issuing of “warrant of fitness” and “certificate of fitness”.
The roles range from $30 per hour in some regions up to $37 per hour at the extreme end for COF B accreditation. New employees from outside New Zealand usually commence at the lower end and cannot commence inspections until an AVI (Authorised Vehicle Inspector) certificate is attained. Technicians are required to have a minimum of five years of recent experience as a technician or diesel mechanic to qualify.
Vehicle Inspector: COF B (Heavy Diesel)
National Median rate $32 to $34 per hour
Responsible for ensuring vehicles comply with government, NZTA standards as to roadworthiness and the issuing of “warrant of fitness” and “certificate of fitness”.
The roles range from $30 per hour in some regions up to $37 per hour at the extreme end for COF B accreditation. New employees from outside New Zealand usually commence at the lower end and cannot commence inspections until an AVI (Authorised Vehicle Inspector) certificate is attained. Technicians are required to have a minimum of five years of recent experience as a technician or diesel mechanic to qualify.
COF inspectors secure a higher hourly rate due to previous experience in the heavy diesel sector which generally commands higher rates due to skills shortages.
Compliance Inspector
National median rate $28 to $30 per hour
Inspecting vehicles entering New Zealand to confirm compliance with local standards.
Warranty Claims Administrator/Fleet Maintenance Controller
National median income - $68,000
The roles tend to have a wide variance of around $55,000 to $78,000. National distributors tend to pay towards the higher end. Aftermarket warranty companies usually target salaries either on or near the median rate. We note that employees may find the upper end of these wage rates difficult to secure.
When these roles emerge in lease companies, national distributors, or mechanical insurance operations they are usually found in Auckland due to most of these companies being located in NZ's largest city.
Candidates possessing heavy diesel skills and able to provide these services in the heavy diesel sector may be paid a higher amount. This is due to the higher rates that are generally paid to Diesel Mechanics.
Assistant Service Manager
National median income - $80,000 per annum
This is usually a 2IC role to the Service Manager. Salaries range from $75,000 to $95,000. It is noted the larger the responsibility in terms of staff management responsibilities, the larger the income. Employees working for small satellite sites for an example would tend to the lower end of the pay scale.
An Assistant Service Manager operating in one of New Zealand’s larger dealerships may secure a salary towards the upper end of this scale and will attract a content of incentive income in additionn.
The Assistant Service Manager can earn as little as $75,000 and as much as $110,000. The major difference will be location and the level of responsibilities.
A company car is a norm for Assistant Service Managers.
Service Manager
National median income - $110,000 per annum
Responsible for total control of the workshop operations and the service department profit centre, Service Managers can be paid as little as $85,000 in small satellite sites to as much as $185,000 for flagship sites in the Auckland region. At the lower end of the scale i.e. $85,000, applicants would be employed at a site with five or 6 employeess.
Upper-end Service Managers may have responsibilities for as many as 60+technical personnel. The larger dealerships tend to have a base salary coupled with performance-based bonuses paid on a percentage of the department’s profit to make up the total income. Full use of a company car is standard with such roles.
In some cases, packages at the upper end include medical insurance and superannuation.